Strangecreek Campout 2025
Battle Of The Bands

We’re thrilled to be hosting the 2025 Strangecreek BATTLE OF THE BANDS! We love this opportunity to find fresh sounds for our festivals, so if you’ve wanted to perform at StrangeCreek Campout 2025 (May 23-26 at Camp KeeWanee in Greenfield MA), here’s your chance.

Here’s how we’re doing it:

To enter your band in the Battle, email [email protected] with the following – and include everything to make sure you’re fully on board!  [Use subject line: “BATTLE BAND: [your band or performer name as you’d want it listed in the voting”]


(A) LINK(S) to a website and/or social media where we (and voters) can check out your music. If you do not include a link to check out your music, you will not be approved for voting. We’ll give a listen and if you seem like a potential fit for our event, you’ll be entered into our Facebook-based survey on the StrangeCreek 2025 ~Official~ Event Page  where people can vote for their favorite contestants.  

(B) a GRAPHIC (small file size for social media, PLEASE) you’d like us to use for the voting; 

VOTING will run through the month of March (ending March 31). You can sign up to be included in the poll anytime until then (It may take a day or two to review/add new submissions after voting starts). Fans will vote via ‘reacts’ (Like, Love, etc – they all count!) to photos of each competing performer. Fans will be able to vote for more than one performer, but can only vote once for each performer. **LOOK FOR THE VOTING POST IN THE ‘DISCUSSION’ SECTION**

– The SIX (6) performers who garner the most ‘votes’ will earn a chance to compete in the LIVE battle of the bands at MARIGOLD THEATER in EASTHAMPTON MA on SATURDAY, APRIL 19. IF a band is offered a chance to perform on 4/19 and can’t make it, the next highest vote-getter will be offered that opportunity, etc.

–   A top winner will be announced at the end of the 4/19 Battle event, and will earn a CABIN SET at StrangeCreek Campout 2024! Please note: runners-up may be offered other opportunities to perform at the festival, so bring your best that night! The show will be FREE for fans (must be 21+)! We’ll be looking at crowd reaction and the ‘dance floor jury’ in making our final decision.

Best of luck, we can’t wait to hear you!